Welcome to Suzy massage Birmingham

The best friendly massage Birmingham the Jewellery quarter
Welcome To Paradise Thai Massage Birmingham. Our aim to to offer our clients a traditional and relaxing Thai Massage Experience. We are located in Central Birmingham and you can get easy access to our premises from anywhere in the East or West Midlands. If you are staying in a Central Birmingham Hotel and would like one of our therapist to visit you please call to arrange an appointment. We have several service available ranging from the Thai Massage, Hot Oil Massage, Sports Massage and 4 Hand Massage.
Welcome again to Paradise Thai Massage Birmingham we look forward to seeing you soon.
Same day appointments available
Availability from 10 00 am until Late
£60/hr for Oil massage
£70/hr for Thai massage
Prices starting from £60 to £110 (depending on a range of packages)
inc relaxing full massage head/ neck/ shoulders/ back
Free Tea & Coffee
Please Call For More Details – 07738683344